Meantime - Coffee

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Dette er en øl, som er gennemsnitlig.
Øl med kaffesmag
En lidt speciel øl, men jeg vil hellere have en Kjaerstrup Stout.
På bagsiden står der (frit oversat) "Serveres svagt afkølet, med så mange chokolade-trøfler som din samvitighed tillader". Jeg fik ikke chokolade til, men det kan den godt bruge.
I starten er den lidt tam, men med tiden bliver smagsløgene pirret. Man skal lige smage lidt mere. Blandingen af kaffebønner og ristet byg står godt til hinanden. Den har en lettere røget smag, som bliver til noget chokolade agtig.
Det er ikke en øl jeg vil sige nej tak til, hvis jeg bliver tilbudt den. Men får jeg valget, så en Kjaerstrup Stout, Tak!.

Indkøbt hos: Skrevet den 18. marts 2006

Anmeldelser fra : Coffee er endnu ikke anmeldt

Fra byggeriets hjemmeside.

Whilst we wouldn’t recommend having this at breakfast with your bacon and eggs, our Coffee Beer is made with real coffee and has a caffeine hit to match. The natural flavours of the beans selected and hand roasted by our friends at the Union Coffee Roasters go well with the roast barley in the beer to give a silky-smooth drink with distinct chocolate and vanilla notes.
Our first formulation of this beer was the first UK brewed beer to carry the Fairtrade logo, and although we have reformulated it to create an even better blend better the malt and roast coffee flavours and can no longer get enough coffee in each bottle to qualify for Fairtrade status, we are still using the same Faitrade Araba Bourbon beans from Rwanda’s Abuhuzamugambi Co-operative.
At the Meantime Brewing Co we love flavour, so it wasn’t exactly difficult for us to see how the scents and aromas of coffee and barley would create a perfect match like just like mint and lamb, toffee and banana, peaches and cream, peanut butter and jam. Serve lightly chilled with as many chocolate truffles as your conscience allows.

Each serving is equal to one cup of coffee.

To find out about Union Coffee Roasters and their work to help the members of the Abuhuzamugambi Co-op please go to

Available in 330ml bottles

alc. 6,0 % vol.
Brygget af byg og hvede.

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